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How to care for your milk and bottle

How to store your milk

Milk should be refrigerated at a temperature of between 0 °C and 4 °C. Keeping milk cold is critical to ensure it stays fresh, lasts longer, and keeps its delicious taste. So it is worth checking the temperature of your fridge!

How to clean your glass bottle

Washing your bottle by hand
  1. Rinse your bottle thoroughly using hot water
  2. Wash your bottle with hot soapy water - use a bottle brush to scrub the interior with up and down and twisting motions. Pivot the handle of the brush to reach all areas
  3. Rinse the your bottle with hot water
  4. Set to dry
Washing your bottle using a dishwasher
  1. Rinse your bottle thoroughly using hot water
  2. Put in your dishwasher and run a hot rinse cycle

Keeping your milk bottle clean is important and will prolong the shelf life of your milk

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