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The Wicton Farm Vision:

The Wicton Farm promise: 

We invite all of our customers to think of the people you and your family will now become when you eat our healthy, real farm food which nourishes both your body and planet earth. You really are what you eat!

By consuming our Wicton Farm produce you will now become part of something far bigger than yourselves – you will safely belong to a wonderful, regenerative food system.

Our promise to you: We will work tirelessly to run an infinite, world leading regenerative farm which empowers nature, protects the environment and looks after both our farmers and our animals to the highest standards possible. Year on year, we will serve you and all our human community with a holistic food supply which makes the world a better place in every way that we possibly can.

1.Wicton Farm will demonstrate leading positive world change in all areas of the farm business: We will operate a business circle of safety – unconditional, real, honest human bonds of trust and cooperation in which everybody is aligned to achieving the same shared challenge. Farm staff will be treated as people, they will feel safe to express themselves, they will be committed and know they are an active part of something which is bigger than themselves. We will reframe our farm vision to outsize our available resources constantly; to create a vision of the world that does not yet exist and give us a reason to come to work each day.

2.We will empower wildlife, promote nature and restore our natural world environment:

We will run a closed loop, permaculture style of farm which empowers the world to regenerate

3. We will mindfully heal our community on both a local and international level:

Our aim is for our customers to feel that Wicton Farm is part of who they are. Our job is to tirelessly connect people with a mindful food source which heals both them and our natural world.

4.We will be an "infinite" business which is financially, ethically and morally sustainable into the fullness of time without limit:

We will be employee owned and potentially a B Corp company. We will create an equal balance of dopamine, serotonin and oxytocin. We are not going to be a dopamine (performance) addicted business which has cortisol (fear) flowing when things are challenging.

5. We will have a JUST CAUSE - to be inclusive (anybody can be part of it), resilient (to technology change, political change, people change) and service orientated (the primary benefit of Wicton farm has to go to others first - the farm is to be of service to the world first):

We will look after the environment, wildlife, farm animals and farmers in order to provide a valid, high quality food supply to our customers. Lastly, because we are not a charity, we will make money to use as fuel; to enable Wicton farm to achieve its destination goal of becoming the best possible regenerative food supply farm year on year into the fullness of time

We have undying belief in our cause and unwavering direction and we welcome you to join us in every way that you can!

We have a shared dream to create an amazing, regenerative farming food system which will empower the natural world environment, heal our human community and create leading positive world change.

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